
Farmhouse Scramble!
Farmhouse Animal & Nature Sanctuary will be hosting our 2nd annual Farmhouse Scramble Golf Outing fundraiser on May 3rd, 2025, at Tatum Ridge Golf Course. We have several sponsorship opportunities available starting at $100 hole sponsors. This is a great way to showcase your business while helping raise funds for

Cruise Tails! Veterinary’s Join the Crew
Cruise Tails, the company making the first dog-encouraged cruise a reality, has announced that they will be welcoming a Florida-based veterinary clinic on their inaugural cruise to work in their official on-board vet clinic. Dr. Brooke Certa, DVM and CEO of Coastal Animal Clinic, Dr. Nia Rametta, DV and Associate

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Your Dog
Valentine’s Day has gone to the dogs! I know. I KNOW! That sounds a little cheeky, but there’s truly no better way to show your pup how much he positively means to you and is loved and appreciated by you than to do only one significant yet simple thing. Simply

Homemade Dog Food: Choosing Balanced Ingredients
Learning how to create a beautiful, safe and healthy meals f0r your doggie. The ABCs of a Balanced Dog Food Diet Understanding the basics of what makes a homecooked diet balanced for your dog will help when you discuss the options with an expert. Here are important ingredients for the

The Norwich Terrier
Meet the Norwich Terrier! It is an affectionate and curious dog, named for its hometown in England. If there’s one thing the Norwich Terrier loves, it’s human companionship. This petite pup thrives on love and attention from its owner or family and will pay you back with affection and loyalty

Orthopedic Bed for Your Dog
Thank you, Dina Fantegrossi! According to the National Sleep Foundation, dogs spend 50% of their day sleeping, 30% lounging around, and just 20% being active. As they enter their senior years, they require even more rest to be at their best. With so much time spent lying down, a sturdy, supportive

First Ever Dog-Friendly Cruise Sets Sail in 2025
Cruise Tails and Expedia Cruises of West Orlando have officially partnered to bring the first-ever, dog-friendly cruise from Tampa, Florida. The inaugural cruise will set sail in November 2025. The waitlist for all dog parents who have dreamt of bringing their furry friends along for their vacation will open soon.

Achieving Success in Your Veterinary Clinic
Starting a veterinary clinic is an exciting opportunity to transform your commitment to animal healthcare into a successful practice that benefits your community. To navigate the many challenges, building a clinic requires thorough planning and strategic choices. From choosing the proper legal structure to crafting a solid business plan, each

English Springer Spaniel – A Special Breed
“Leesee” (aka Lisi) is a pretty English Springer Spaniel—and she is ours! We picked her up about five weeks ago from her foster mom, who is associated with the English Springer Rescue Association (ERSA). She is our fifth (and probably last, but I’ve said that before) rescue Springer from that

Teach Older Dogs to Live with Joy
It could be an easy, effective, and accessible way to give our furry friends quality of life during their senior years. Researchers at the University of Adelaide are investigating whether special training exercises can help older dogs showing signs of canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD). Keeping the mind active as we

Dog Ice Cream!
Yum! This is a simple ice cream creation that your doggie will love! Correne Harless-Denkins found this from Ashley Lawrence. Dog Ice Cream Ingredients: 2 ripe bananas 1 cup plain Greek yogurt 1/2 cup peanut butter (unsweetened and xylitol-free) 1/4 cup water Instructions: In a blender or food processor, combine

Human Foods Dogs Can and Cannot Eat
The American Kennel Club Guide Dedicated dog lovers tend to be very kind people. We share our hearts and homes (and for some lucky pups, even the foot of our beds) with our canine pals. Surely there is nothing wrong with sharing our favorite foods with them too, right? Not

How to Enrich Your Dog’s Life
Providing your dog with a fulfilling life goes beyond necessities like food, water, and shelter. It involves enriching their daily routine with activities that promote mental and physical well-being. These engaging activities enhance your dog’s health and deepen your bond, transforming everyday interactions into opportunities for joy and connection. Stimulating

Old Dog Friends are the Best Friends
Whether you’ve had your best friend since they were a pup, or rescued them as a senior dog, the joys of seeing them grow older with you in a safe loving home is a journey that will be filled with lots of love, along with a few manageable challenges. What

Meet the Dogs of Ireland
THE DOGS OF IRELAND It’s a known fact that, Irish or not, everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. And our pups are no exception. THE DOGS OF IRELAND is fascinating and full of Irish doggie facts. Listed below are the nine native dogs indigenous to the beautiful Emerald Isle, magnificent

Seize a Digital Nomad Life… You and Your Dog
Starting a digital nomad lifestyle with a senior dog presents a unique blend of freedom and challenges. This lifestyle provides unmatched flexibility and the delight of exploring new locales with your faithful companion. Nonetheless, it demands careful planning and consideration to guarantee that both you and your pet thrive in

Your Best Friend: The Benefits of Owning a Dog
Our most loyal friends tend to be of the four-legged variety. Dog lovers know that their pet’s energy, playfulness, loyalty, and sweet affection can add a loving dimension to their lives like no other. If your pooch is your best friend, you know the benefits of owning a dog. If

Mental Stimulation Toys for Dogs
Keep your dogs engaged in a productive way. Instead of allowing them to explore your designer shoes, handbags, homework, and otherwise enticing doggie items, give them some healthy mental stimulation toys for dogs, designed to challenge and entertain! Here are just a few. 5 of the Best Dog Toys for

Why Do Dogs Get the Zoomies?
Does your dog suddenly burst into a flurry of energy? It’s crazy time! Termed as the Zoomies, this behavior can occur whether your dog is young, old, and during daytime or night. Our Fancy, a long-hair Chihuahua, is turning 12 years old. She sleeps often during the day. But there

November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month!
Here at Good Old Doggie, we love our senior pets. That’s why we are excited to celebrate and support Adopt A Senior Pet Month once again this year. Adopt a Senior Pet Founded by the ASPCA and, November is designated as a time to raise awareness of senior pets

Recipes for the Best Homemade Dog Food
I spent hours researching the best homemade dog food recipes that are safe, healthy, and vet-approved. rose to the top of the list for several reasons. I love that they provide mix and match recipes, based on the guidelines from dog nutrition experts,, which includes necessary percentages of

Do Dogs Love to Laugh?
American Kennel Club knows that dogs have fun! AKC continues to research the behaviors of these enduring canines. We all know dogs we describe as amusing, entertaining, or downright hilarious. Dogs can make us laugh. But do dogs have a sense of humor? Do they know they’re being funny? Do

10 Fun Facts About Dogs
We can never get enough fun facts about dogs! Here are 10 interesting ones you may not have heard. 1. Dogs don’t feel guilt Researchers found those puppy dog eyes are not a sign of guilt. In fact, they are just the way we interpret a dog’s reaction to being

Snuggling with your Dog in Bed
Did you know? Snuggling with your dogs can be as rewarding for you as it is for them! Now there are some exceptions which I will cover in a minute. But in general, you and your pups will both reap amazing benefits from warm, comfy cuddles in bed. Warmth, security,

New Pet Food Bank Program
New Pet Food Bank Program Note: Lisa and Dave Burns, founders of Farmhouse Animal and Nature Sanctuary, have partnered with local shelters and suppliers to help families that cannot afford to care for or keep their pets. Known as the Farmhouse Pet Food Bank, Lisa, and her team tell us

Petting a Dog is Good for Your Brain
I have brain cancer. The kind that doesn’t go away. It’s called Glioblastoma or GBM. Despite the variety of modern therapies against GBM, it is still a deadly disease with an extremely poor prognosis. Most people don’t live much past six months to a year. In other words, at having

The Unbreakable Bond between Humans and Dogs
I stumbled upon this outstanding article; it’s actually an excerpt from Simon Garfield’s book, Dog’s Best Friend: A Brief History of an Unbreakable Bond. Who’s a good boy? Our centuries-old love of dogs has never been stronger. So what does a study of ‘man’s best friend’ say about us? Why

Irish Beef Stew Recipe for Your Doggie
Seriously?! Yes! This was first published two years ago, but today it is as tasty (and healthful) as ever. For Your Doggie Here’s a tasty Irish beef stew recipe just for your dog! Actually, it is fine for humans, too, but since there is no onion, garlic, Worcester sauce, Guinness,

Keeping Your Pup Fit and Healthy
Having a dog can bring so much joy to your life. It’s essential to keep your pup fit and healthy in order to get the most out of your relationship. Good Old Doggie has compiled some helpful tips and advice on how to keep your dog in great shape. Maintain

A Divinely Appointed Pet: A Gift from God
Written by Guest Contributor Melonie Richards Unconditional love My childhood family always had two extra members roaming around our home. I say members loosely as the extras were fed and cared for, but not with an elevated status that granted privileges and rights per se. My parents grew up on

Paws for Thought: Dogs at the Office
Welcome a new dog while starting a business If you are starting a new business but have a new pet to welcome into the fold at the same time, things can get a little hectic. After all, tending to business matters can be time-consuming, and making time for a pet

Cole, The Deaf Therapy Dog
Have you heard of Cole, The Deaf Therapy Dog? “Cole was named the 2022 Therapy Hero Dog in the American Humane Hero Dog Awards®, and he is dedicating his journey to all those pups and people who have been overlooked because they were born a little different. He urges the

New Year, New Dog Treat!
We gratefully thank Lisa Preston and her beautiful fur baby Buddy for this tantalizing and very healthy dog treat recipe. It’s been a while since we found a recipe that is beneficial, easy to make, and totally doglicious. We’ve researched the ingredients and found all of them to be superfoods

10 Ideas for Christmas Gifts for Dogs
‘Tis the season and to pamper your precious pups. And don’t forget your friends’ doggies as well. You might even consider picking some extra goodies and dropping them off at your local shelter or rescue: even a bag or two of dog food or treats. We thank you, and so

Pumpkin Drop Cookies
This recipe is based on tasty pumpkin. Why? It’s delicious, low in calories, and chockfull of nutrients and fiber. As a reminder, buy some different-sized dog bone cookie cutters. Larger ones for big bones and big dogs, medium sizes for medium-sized dogs, and smaller ones for your little guys. If

Starting a Pet-Based Business
Pick of the Litter If you’re an animal lover, there’s no better time to start a pet-based business than now. In the United States alone, pet ownership has increased by 5% since 2012, and 65% of all households have at least one non-human resident. If you want to kickstart your

How to Best Care for your Pet as you Age
Pets make great companions for people of all ages, but they can be especially beneficial for senior citizens. However, caring for a pet properly as you age can be difficult. From Good Old Doggie, here are three things to know about how to best care for your pet as you

Simple Cleaning Tips for Dog Owners
Having a dog in your life can change your life for the better and make you a happier person. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the state it will leave your house. Thankfully, there are a number of affordable and simple cleaning tips for dog owners to follow that

Are Prairie Dogs really DOGS?
Hi guys, I couldn’t resist sharing this with you. Lisa Burns, one of our long-time, loyal members and the noble founder of the Farmhouse Animal & Nature Sanctuary, recently posted a pic of Luna, a ridiculously cute prairie dog, in our Good Old Doggie Facebook Group. I’m embarrassed to admit

Here’s How You Can Help Abandoned Pets
It is hard to believe that someone could hurt an animal, but instances of animal abandonment and cruelty are more common than you think as reported by Each animal deserves to be loved and cared for, and in this article, explore various ways you can contribute towards making a

The Most Popular Dog Breeds
Every year, The American Kennel Club (AKC) rates the most popular dog breeds from 1 to 197. That’s a lot of breeds! The thing is my two dogs, Fancy, our long-haired Chihuahua, and Lacy, our English Springer Spaniel, both rate number one in my book. These are the breeds we’ve

Comfort Your New Rescue Dog
Written by Wendy Lyons Sunshine for her Tender Paws blog in Psychology Today, this post provides essential tips to help your new rescue dog adjust to her new home. Here are three simple ways to help to comfort your new rescue dog. She will feel more calm, confident, and comfortable

Best Funny Dog Names
If you research, as I have, the most popular, unique, and “best” names for dogs, you will be overwhelmed by a bazillion websites claiming to have found them. But I just discovered an almost equal amount of sites with lists of funny dog names. For our convenience, Parade magazine compiled

Play is Serious Business
“The Magic of Make-Believe for Our Dogs” is an enlightening look at how life-sized stuffed toys make therapeutic doggie playmates. Written by Wendy Lyons Sunshine for her Tender Paws blog in Psychology Today, the post illustrates how make-believe playmates for puppies and adult dogs can work magic. Play is serious

Woof… it’s Winter!
The winter solstice is here, and with the frenzy of the holiday season, it typically comes and goes without notice. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you will be the farthest from the sun as you have been all year. December 21st is also the official first day of

5 Gift Ideas for 5 Kinds of Pet Owners
Know someone who loves their pets to bits and pieces? Nothing would make them happier than a gift for their furry little best friends. Of course, every pet owner has unique tastes and preferences, meaning not all gifts would be appreciated equally. To help you find the perfect gift for

Helping Your Pets Adjust to a New City
Moving is just as stressful for our pets as it is for us humans. If you just moved to a new city, help your pets get accustomed to the unfamiliar environment so they can feel at ease in your new home! Helping your pets adjust starts before you even buy

Dancing with Our Dogs
“What Our Dogs Can Tell Us About Ourselves” is an insightful article written by Wendy Lyons Sunshine. Wendy has recently begun writing a blog for Psychology Today, called “Tender Paws.” The information she presents in this post is based upon in-depth scientific research and explores the correlation between pet owners

Senior Dogs Need Special Care
This is not new news, but it helps to remind us that senior dogs need special care. The American Kennel Club offers some great tips on how to keep our old girls and boys on top of their game. With improved diet and veterinary care, dogs are now able to

Is your Dog a Harness Escape Artist?
Oh, Fancy. My little Chihuahua. She’s a darling girl, but she’s easily spooked. Having spent most of her life in a cage before we rescued her, she was not familiar with, well, most things that exist outside of a cage. So, going for a walk with me for the very

DIY First Aid Kit for Dogs
Yep! Just like you, your pup needs his very own First Aid Kit, for several reasons. If you are traveling long distances, camping, boating, fishing, or hiking, that makes perfect sense. But what about just being out for a short walk on your local trail or at the dog park

St. Patrick’s Day with Dogs
ST. PATRICK’S DAY WITH DOGS Oh, I know what you’re probably thinking. Lots of Irish folks enjoying themselves at their local pub with a big plate of fish and chips. Maybe a big bowl of rich Irish Stew made with traditional Irish Guinness Beer. Oh yeah, and everyone wearing silly

St. Patrick Day Dog Treats
Everyone’s Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! Even your dog. Here is an easy, healthy, and tasty recipe for homemade St. Patrick Day Dog Treats that will sure to elicit an Erin Go Bark! Cook Time: 30 minutes Yield: 3 dozen Preheat Oven: 350 degrees Ingredients 2 cups spinach ½ cups

Valentine’s Day NO-BAKE Treats
Two easy no-bake treat recipes for your canine valentine 1. Strawberry yogurt treats This is not only a no-brainer recipe for busy “hoomans,” but it’s quick to assemble, pretty to look at, and tummy-friendly. PREP TIME: 11 Minutes YIELD: 20 Balls INGREDIENTS · 1-1/2

Is it True? Can Dogs Get COVID-19?
With so much disinformation swirling around the topic of COVID-19, we decided to find the definitive answer to the question, “Can dogs get COVID-19?” According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), they can, but it’s rare. Here’s what the CDC wants us to know. The risk is considered to

What to Do If Your Dog Eats Chocolate
Fancy, my Chihuahua, got hold of a piece of chocolate yesterday. It totally freaked me out, as chocolate is toxic and possibly deadly for dogs, especially dark chocolate. She vomited what looked like most of it, including the foil wrapper, which I later discovered could have caused a gastro obstruction.

Road Trip! Travel with Your Dog
Do you love to travel with your dog? Barring driving pups that get car sick, most dog-lovers do! And since COVID-19, road trips have become the preferred mode of travel. Whether visiting family, going camping, or renting a villa or hotel room, it’s important to make a plan for your

How to Have a Happy Christmas with your Dogs
Christmas is a time for joyful celebration and lots of food and fun. However, with it comes some seasonal dangers for your doggies. Here are some tips for how to have a happy Christmas with your dogs. They might even save you an unwanted trip to your vet this holiday

A Christmas Tail
Our first “child,” an English Springer Spaniel named Teagan, was just two and a half years old when we had her put to sleep. It was one of the worst days of my life. She was a beautiful, enthusiastic, and affectionate dog. But shortly after she was a year old,

Sweet Potato Dog Treats
Sweet potato is tasty and healthy, and it’s the star ingredient of this month’s cookie, Sweet Potato Dog Treats. Low in fat, chock full of vitamins, and high in fiber content, sweet potato also helps support a sound digestive system. Drummer, our resident taste tester, has approved this recipe! And

How to Have a Safe Thanksgiving with Your Furry Friends
Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to gather. Despite COVID-19, there are plenty of safe ways for humans to celebrate this year. (Read current CDC recommendations here). But even under normal circumstances, Thanksgiving can pose some hazards to your precious pups. You’ll need to be cognizant of a

Pumpkin and Molasses Doggie Treats
Here’s another recipe for holiday doggie treats that will whet your human appetite! Serve these this fall and you’re sure to get rave reviews from both two- and four-legged friends. Ingredients: ½ Cup Canned pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie mix) 4 Tblsp. Molasses 4 Tblsp.

Super-Cute Halloween Costumes for Your Dog
I’ve had Chihuahuas that LOVED to be dressed up. My sweet Cappucine was okay with the idea. But, my feisty Mimi would get so excited when I opened the drawer where I keep doggie clothes! She would prance and model and wag her tail whenever she wore an item from

Doggie Halloween During COVID-19
It’s that time of year again when all the ghosts and goblins appear. Unfortunately, it’s a little different this year for all of us, including for our precious pups. Instead of Halloween, during COVID-19, maybe we’ll just call it Quarantine-o-ween! Just sayin’. There’s no need to cancel Halloween, though. Simply

How Old is Your Dog, Really?
How to Calculate Dog Years to Human Years Did you know? Since the 1950’s, the popular calculation of how old a dog was in “human years” has always been one dog year is equivalent to seven human years. Even though this formula has been around for a very long time,

Homemade Flea and Tick Sprays using Essential Oils
Summer is gone, but it doesn’t mean that fleas and ticks are as well. It’s important to keep your precious pups protected. Here are some easy directions for homemade flea and tick sprays using essential oils. Some of them will work for you, too! For your convenience, we have included

Is Your Small Breed Dog a Fussy Eater?
The solutions that worked for me Some small dog breeds are notorious for being fussy eaters. Yorkies and Maltese dogs are among them. My small breed dogs have always been Chihuahuas, and only one of them was a fussy eater, until now. Fancy used to have a normal appetite until

“Don’t Slime Me!”
What’s the Clear Slime Lurking in the Water Bowl? Have you ever rubbed your fingers on the inside of your dog’s water bowl and felt a slippery slime? Well, that transparent goo is called Biofilm. Biofilm is a collection of living and dead, organic and inorganic materials collected on a

Autumn Hazards for Your Dogs
Autumn ushers in crisp air, eye-popping colors, and comforting aromas, such as pumpkin spice. But it also brings with it some hazards for our dogs. Piles of leaves left without being removed become old and damp and can pose a significant threat to our dogs. The dark, moist conditions found

Natural Doggie Treats
Halloween Treats Do’s and Don’ts Fido is no dummy. When he sees you dropping a sweet goody into the pumpkins of the trick or treaters, or he watches as they pop it into their mouths, he will naturally want in on this action. Now, this is a game he

Dogs of Autumn
Fun fall activities for your doggies Here are some ideas for things you can safely do with your pups during this COVID-19 Autumn. This Autumn shall be like no other. So, we must try and make the best of it. Especially regarding those special members of our family. Our

Homemade Doggie Treats
With the holidays looming on the horizon, this year, not only can you bake holiday cookies for your friends and family, but you can now bake homemade doggie treats for their special fur babies. Remember to buy some different sized dog bone cookie cutters. Larger ones for big bones and

Pet-Friendly Travel
As a travel writer by trade and a dog lover at heart, I’ve been writing about pet-friendly travel for years. And as an old dog myself, some of the articles appeared only in print. However, in recent years, many have been featured online. I would like to direct you to

Choose the Right Pet Sitter
This guest post is presented by our awesome friends at A Critter Sitter Co, Lisa Lewis and Mary Fab. Lisa and Mary have been caring for our dogs for more than ten years. They have more than 15 years of vet tech experience and are certified in pet CPR and

Playtime with Your Senior Pup
Doggie Games to Play Part 2 of 2 in the series If you’ve read Doggie Games to Play Part 1, you know I was having a senior moment and got a little off track. But I’m allowed a little leeway, as I’m your Senior Editorial Director. Okay, now back to

Fun with Your Older Dog
Doggie Games to Play Part 1 of 2 in the series Here are a few fun ways for entertaining your older dog. No purchase required! Just gather some household items and follow these tips, and you and your dog will enjoy some pure tail-wagging fun. 1) Box Puzzles Here’s an

Cute Carry-Ons for Dog Lovers
These carry-ons are irresistibly cute! They belong to Chariot Travelware’s whimsical collections, available at Amazon. You can bet you’ll receive compliments on your carry-on when sporting one of these. (Tip: Click on any of these names to see their full description on Amazon, then scroll down to the bottom of