Irish beef stew for dogs

Irish Beef Stew Recipe for Your Doggie


Yes! This was first published two years ago, but today it is as tasty (and healthful) as ever.

For Your Doggie

Here’s a tasty Irish beef stew recipe just for your dog! Actually, it is fine for humans, too, but since there is no onion, garlic, Worcester sauce, Guinness, or other ingredients that are no-no’s for doggies, you might prefer your favorite human version for yourself. Your pooch, on the other hand, will surely feel like a lucky dog when dining on this special stew.

Optional: Make a batch of beef bone broth first; using bones from your local butcher. No onions or garlic of course. Once made, strain to ensure no bone fragments are present. Allow to cool and portion for freezing or using fresh. This is a nutrition-rich way of getting a “gravy” for the stew.


  • 1 Pound Beef stewing meat (cut into bite-sized chunks)
  • 3/4 Cup Carrots (diced)
  • 1/3 Cup Green Beans (diced)
  • 1/3 Cup Green Peas
  • 1 Small Sweet Potato (leave whole to start – see below)
  • 1/2 Cup Flour
  • 1/2 Cup Water or Organic Vegetable Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Tablespoon Vegetable Oil for frying (additional)


  • Start by cooking the sweet potato in a microwave for 5 to 8 minutes until firm but tender. Use a skewer to test then put to one side.
  • Slice the stew pieces into bite-sized chunks then cook using the 1 Tablespoon of vegetable oil, over medium heat (10-15 minutes or until well-done).
  • Remove the beef chunks from the pan and reserving the drippings to make a gravy.
  • Dice the cooked sweet potato into bite-sized chunks.
  • Heat the pan drippings over medium-low heat, then slowly add flour and water (or substitute with the Bone Broth) into the dripping; whisking to create a thick gravy.
  • Add the cooked meat, sweet potato, carrots, peas, and green beans into the gravy and stir to coat.
  • Cook 10 minutes more until the carrots are tender.


Serve when cool. Will keep (covered) in the fridge for up to five days.
Recipe and photo credit:

For more healthy and tasty DIY doggie recipes, click here!

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