Smiling Golden Retriever

Our Mission

Hi everyone, and welcome to!

Your Precious Family Member

You’ve had your dog since he was a frisky pup. You trained him, loved him, and took care of him. In return, he has loved you and your family unconditionally throughout the years. And now, his muzzle had grayed, the spring in his step has given way to a labored walk. But his eyes reveal a loving spirit and a desire to stay by your side. He may have arthritis, making it painful to move. Maybe he’s gone deaf, or blind. But through it all, he has never abandoned you. He has cared for you, and now it’s your turn to care for him.

The Inspiration

My name is Lisa, and my husband Patrick and I have been rescuing old dogs for years. Our mission started after having to put down a young English Springer Spaniel. She was a beautiful and affectionate dog. But, shortly after she was a year old, she began lunging, snarling, threatening, and eventually biting. We hired a “doggie shrink,” had her on medication, and after talking at length with trainers, vets, animal behaviorists, and other experts, reluctantly acknowledged this disease was incurable.

We were useless for days after her demise, sobbing at once for her helplessness in the matter and feeling guilty for playing God. Then it occurred to us to contact a dog rescue association to save a life, especially since we felt we had taken one. Read the full story HERE.

Age is NOT Just a Number

The fact is, older dogs are much less likely to be adopted. They often have special needs, and well, depending on their state of health, they may not be around for very long. We rescued Angelle at 8 years old. Now she is 14 and in much need of extra care. Patrick flew from Sarasota, Florida (our home) to Apalachicola to pick her up.

But the rescue society needed our help, to transfer a 4-year-old to Tampa. So, he picked up both dogs and rented a van to bring them to Tampa and Sarasota respectively. The young dog was gorgeous. The older dog showed signs of wear and tear. I didn’t know which dog he would bring home, or if he would bring back both!

Care for Your Old Dog

He brought home our precious Angelle because, unlike this old girl, the young dog was a shoo-in for adoption. With a little grooming and medication, Angelle turned out to be beautiful, and such a teddy bear. She LOVES to snuggle.

Today, at 14-years-old, she suffers from idiopathic vestibular disease – similar to vertigo in humans. She walks in circles, needs help finding her food because she can’t control her head, and has quite a wobbly walk. But her spirit is invincible. This girl smiles and wags her tail constantly, and is motivated by food, treats, and when daddy comes home. She is bright-eyed, enthusiastic, and happy.

Our Mission

Along the way, we have found products and tips to keep her comfortable and to make caring for her easier. Our goal is to share our successful experiences with you so that you and your senior dog can navigate this journey with ease. I imagine that if you have had your senior dog since it was a pup, your dog is a life-long family member. All the more reason to learn about how to usher your precious pup into its senior years.

With love,
Lisa's handwritten signature



Lisa Codianne Fowler

Founder of Good Old Doggie


We lost our dear Angelle last year. We did everything we could do. But the disease overtook her. At nearly 15, it was her time. So hard, as you know. But then we rescued Lacy, another good old girl. We are not certain about her age which was supposed to be 11? She sure acts a lot younger. Of course, we will always miss Angelle, and her predecessors as well! But we are so blessed for having all of these sweet dogs in our lives. I know you can relate.

5 thoughts on “Our Mission”

  1. I’m absolutely smitten with this website, its mission, and its content! What a fabulous idea to devote a platform to older dogs. The stories and pictures evoke very fond memories of my German Shepherd who lived to the ripe old age of 13 💙. is a great resource for owners of older pups—not just informative, but entertaining and empathetic as well. Bravo!!

    1. Lisa Codianne Fowler

      Susan, you have no idea how much we appreciate your sentiments. We love our older dogs! Well, the young ones, too, of course, but they eventually grow old, and in our care, we make sure they grow old comfortably and happily. Thanks for your kind comments and appreciation of what we are trying to accomplish with good old doggie. Fondly, Lisa and Carroll.

  2. This is such a great and unique idea for a dog website! I have seen websites about dogs before, but not a website about old dogs and all kind of tips of how to care for them — FABULOUS idea. I will be telling everyone I know to check this!! All the stories and pictures of the old dogs put me back in time to when my Golden Labrador Retriever was alive and put a big smile on my face. I believe there is a lot of potential for this website to thrive and I cannot wait to see how it will turn out to be in the future!! Once again, amazing idea!

    1. Lisa Codianne Fowler

      Thank you, Marius, for your very kind words! We, too, are excited about what the future holds for We have lots of ideas and can’t wait to implement them all. Thanks again, dear friend! Fondly, Lisa and Carroll.

  3. Lisa: it’s always a joy to work with you. You have always been the consummate professional in all your endeavors. I’m delighted to be your partner and with the two of us at the helm, there are no turbulent seas we cannot navigate. We have always worked so well together and I’m excited to be doing it again! The skies the limit. Cheers, Carroll 🍾🍾🥂🥂🐶🐶🐾🐾❤️

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