‘Tis the season and to pamper your precious pups. And don’t forget your friends’ doggies as well. You might even consider picking some extra goodies and dropping them off at your local shelter or rescue: even a bag or two of dog food or treats. We thank you, and so do all the doggies. So here are our top 10 picks for Christmas gifts for dogs.
1. Bob-A-Lot Interactive Dog Toy
This will keep your dogs busy for at least a good 15 minutes as they attempt to get their treats out of the toy while rolling it all over the place. Great for mental stimulation.
2. No Stuffing Squeak Toys
Carroll’s Golden, Drummer, would destroy every stuffy she bought him. These, however, he simply carries about, squeaking as he goes. He hasn’t torn them at all. I guess he’s decided there’s no need to kill them as it’s already been done for him. Go figure.
3. Chuckit Glow Ball
If your dogs adore balls, they are going to love this one. It’s lightweight and perfect for inside and out. It also makes this “whooshing” sound when you throw it. It’s easy to clean, has a bright glow, and it comes in four sizes.
4. Chipmunk Hide and Seek Dog Toy
Hide the chipmunks inside the log, sit back and watch as your pups figure out how to get those little guys out. It comes with a log and three squeaky chipmunks. Great for dogs of all sizes. This is one of Lisa’s favorites for both little Fancy and chunky Lacy!
5. Jolly Ball
This is one of Drummer’s favorites. Designed for constant motion, it’s a hard plastic impervious to tough play. An excellent toy for all-size dogs, it comes in various colors and sizes. Drummer has had his for four years, and it’s still as good as the day it arrived.
6. Kong Cozie Squeak Toy
These are sturdier than most plush toys, but tough chewers can still destroy them. They’re adorable and inexpensive. Select from the moose, elephant, koala, lion, rhino, or rabbit.
7. The Hurley Dog Toy
The Hurley Toy is designed for long chew sessions. It also floats and is great for fetching. It is non-toxic, made in the USA, dishwasher safe, and comes in three sizes and five colors. If you’re not happy with your purchase, they’ll replace or refund your order.
8. Kong Classic
A classic favorite, and it’s dishwasher safe. There are many different treats available to place in the Kong. Great for mental stimulation. They come in sizes from extra-small to extra, extra-large.
9. Snuggle Puppy Heartbeat
Ease Separation Anxiety
The SmartPetLove Snuggle Puppy recreates loving mommy intimacy with physical warmth and an advanced “Real-Feel” pulsing heartbeat. Another one that Lisa loves for little Fancy, her Chihuahua.
10. The Babble Ball Toy
This one is loads of fun. It talks to your furry friend each time he pushes it. It has twenty different sayings and animal sounds that he hears every time he nudges it.
Drummer has had these for years and is crazy about this thing. Not sure if it’s the sounds it makes or the noise it makes when he drops it on the hardwood floor BANG!
Iheartdogs.com is an organization whose mission is to help shelter dogs by donating a portion of each product purchased to help feed them. You might want to check out their website, and during this holiday season, you’ll not only be purchasing an item for your pups, but you’ll be providing meals for shelter dogs with every purchase you make. A win-win situation all around.
Note: Be sure and check out How to Have a Happy Christmas with your Dogs.
Happy “Pawlidays!”
P.S. Carroll researched and wrote this post two years ago. She did most of the legwork. I just now went through and updated the links, removed the toys that are no longer available, and added some new ones. The really good news is that many of these items are on sale this year! Check them out!