
English Springer Spaniel – A Special Breed

“Leesee” (aka Lisi) is a pretty English Springer Spaniel—and she is ours! We picked her up about five weeks ago from her foster mom, who is associated with the English Springer Rescue Association (ERSA). She is our fifth (and probably last, but I’ve said that before) rescue Springer from that organization.

We lost our last Springer and Chihuahua rescues within the previous six months, and I was convinced that our ages (almost 70) would preclude any further adoptions. In our nearly thirty years together, we had never spent a day without a dog (usually two) in the house. After a month without a dog, I thought, “What is the harm in looking?” Suffice it to say I was looking for a Springer of advanced age. After not being successful in adopting both a four and six-year-old, I was pretty much resigned to living without. When, out of the blue, ESRA contacted us about a ten-year-old female rescued from, shall we say, an unscrupulous breeder along with 20 other dogs?

Pretty dog

Her photos captured our hearts, so we rented a more comfortable car and made the 90-minute trek to meet her. She was as beautiful as advertised. She did not have much real human contact in her past and was reluctant to leave the side of her foster mom,  who had her for about three months before she qualified for adoption. But we were sure we could make it work. Lisa sat in the back seat with her for the ride to our home, but Leesee kept her back to her the entire ride.

Leesee and Patrick

She took to her bed right away and walked well on the leash. On the second day, she fell in the pool but did not seem traumatized (she fell in again about two weeks later). I took her to our vet and got a clean bill of health. I know a rescue dog’s total life experience, and she does seem to live a life of positive expectancy. The only real quirk is that she prefers her meals delivered to her bed. Who adopted who?

Patrick and Leesee

But talk about timing; she lived with us through Hurricane Helene and didn’t flinch in spending the night at a neighbor’s house for our direct hit from Milton. She requires continuous affection and even follows me into the shower. She’s already mapped out her places in the house and on the furniture. She enjoys walks and investigating the mounds of storm debris lining our street. But the most affectionate Springer ever. Comes up to check on me if I sneeze. She more than filled the space in our family and our hearts.

About the Breed

The English Springer Spaniel is a sweet-faced, lovable bird dog of great energy, stamina, and brains.  The double coat comes in several colors and patterns, the ears are long and lush, and the kindly, trusting expression of the eyes is a cherished hallmark of the breed. Springers move with a smooth, ground-covering stride. Bred to work closely with humans, Springers are highly trainable people-pleasers. They crave company and are miserable when neglected. Polite dogs and springers are good with kids and their fellow mammals. They are eager to join in any family activity.

ESRA Contact Info

 If you are interested in Springer adoption, contact

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